How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3

Posted By admin On 01/04/22
How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3 Rating: 4,9/5 5562 votes
HowWhether you are a seasoned veteran of the Witcher games, or a player new to the franchise, it behooves you to familiarize yourself with the controls for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Familiarity with the game’s control scheme can make the difference between life and death for Geralt, and will give you a much more enjoyable and rewarding experience.3.5

2 points 5 years ago Put whatever it is you want to use in your pocket slot using the 'Inventory' interface and then you can select what you want to use with Tab. To actually use the item you then can press or hold the scroll wheel on your mouse button. A simple guide that should be help you to merge mods that have some conflicts.If u have some problems on merging procedure feel free to join this discord cha. You'll need some Witcher 3 tips for this huge open-world. From mastering The Witcher 3 combat system, to exploring its hundreds of missions, contracts, scavenger hunts, and more. Torch is an item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It may be equipped in one of the pocket slots in the inventory panel for use as a light source. One torch is included in Geralt's starting equipment from the beginning of the quest Lilac and Gooseberries, and more can be found as loot, or bought from merchants later in the game. The Witcher 3’s witcher gear sets are your go-to source for the strongest armor and weaponry in the game for our dear old Butcher of Blaviken. Each belonging to a different witcher school, the blueprints for these unique pieces of equipment must be tracked down in Scavenger missions, then crafted with very particular materials – all of which we’ll cover in our The Witcher 3 gear sets.

To help you get to know the game’s control scheme, we have prepared a table with the

How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3.5

Witcher 3 controls

How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3.0

for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions of the game.

How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3 Walkthrough

How To Use Pocket Slot Witcher 3 Cheats

NamePCXbox OnePS4
SprintLeft ShiftHold AHold X
RollHold SpaceHold BHold Circle
Fast AttackLeft MouseXCircle
Strong AttackLeft Mouse + ShiftYTriangle
CounterattackRight MouseLTL2
Cast SignQRTR2
General commands
Witcher SensesRight MouseHold LTHold L2
Loot chestsEAX
Take allSpaceYTriangle
Use Fast travelEAX
World mapMRR3
ZoomMouse Wheel Up/DownUp / Down RUp / Down R
Place custom marker on the mapRight MouseXSquare
Filters on the mapFYTriangle
Swimming / Diving
DiveCXHold Square
Swim SwiftlyLeft ShiftHold AHold X
SurfaceSpaceHold BHold Circle
Mount controls
Call HorseXPress twice LPress twice L3
GallopLeft ShiftPress twice APress twice X
CanterLeft Shift Hold AHold X
DismountEHold BHold Circle
Boat Controls
AccelerateLeft ShiftHold AHold X
Stop / ReverseSHold XHold Square
Leave HelmEBCircle